Fresh strawberry sorbet
This is one of those special dishes that really capture Nova Scotia summer in a mouthful.
Last weekend we packed up the family and headed to the Valley trying to find an open strawberry u-pick. We were early in the season and it was pouring rain, but we were determined to make it work. While we struck out at a number of farms still closed due to a crazy cold spring, we pushed through and found a farm that was closed – BUT was okay with us going out into their field to see what we could find. WHAT A JACKPOT! While the rain didn’t go easy on us, it was such a peaceful experience being the only people in the patch.
After an hour or so picking, we were able to fill 48 quarts with some of the most vibrant and delicious strawberries I have ever tasted. We drove home and I immediately washed, cut, and froze the berries to lock in as much of the freshness and flavour possible. The next morning, I got up and made this sorbet. It’s as close to perfect that I have done.
Planning on going strawberry picking this year? Give this recipe a try and let me know what you think!

Fresh strawberry sorbet – stay frosty out there, folks!
- 3 pints FRESH Nova Scotia strawberries
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 lemon juiced
- fresh mint
- With a paring knife, remove green tops from berries and discard. Cut berries in half and place in a large ziplock bag. Freeze overnight.
- The next day, blitz your strawberries in a blender until a smooth puree has formed. Remove from blender and set in fridge while you set up your sorbet attachment.
- Once your bowl and paddle have been set up, pour in your puree. Add 1 cup of sugar and the juice of one lemon.
- On low speed, turn for 7-8min. You'll start to see the it thicken and turn shiny and smooth.
- Once it has thickened to the point where you can scoop it, it's ready to go.
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