Garlic Scape Pumpkin Seed Pesto
It’s garlic scape season and I just love this ingredient. Garlicky, spicy, and very abundant during this small window of the year. Garlic scapes are the green, curly shoots that grow from hardneck garlic plants, where flowers might otherwise sprout. Farmers cut away these scapes regardless, so that all energy is diverted to the garlic bulb growing underground. Scapes make for delicious eating on their own though, so don’t waste them!

This Garlic Scape pesto is a super easy sauce to keep in your fridge. It’s perfect to toss in salads, pastas, sandwiches, or even drizzle over roasted veggies. I love having pesto in my fridge as it’s a secret flavour weapon that allows you to quickly amp up any meal you are having.

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