Pre heat your oven to 425
In a large bowl, mix together chicken thighs, peppers, onions, harissa paste, olive oil, salt, and garlic. Make sure all ingredients are well covered with harissa and then spread out on a large baking sheet. Place into the preheated oven for 45 minutes. I also suggest you turn on the broiler for the last 2-3 minutes to brown up the chicken skin.
Next up, let's cook the basmati rice. In a medium sized pot add in 1 1/2 cups of rice followed by 3 cups of water. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Once boil has been reached, cover the pot and reduce temperature to low and let simmer for 12 minutes. After the 12 minutes, keep covered and remove from heat until ready to serve.
Once chicken is done in the oven, season with lemon juice and serve hot. Enjoy this super easy, healthy dinner!