Easy Chocolate Mug Cake

Hi! I’m Andy

Welcome to my kitchen.
I hope to inspire you to grow as a home cook!

If you have a sweet tooth and are incredibly impatient like me, this Easy Chocolate Mug Cake is for you! Sometimes I want to block off an afternoon and take time to build a multi layered chocolate cake. Other days I want it done in under 5 min, today was one of those days!

A close up shot of Easy Chocolate Mug Cake.

Key Mug Cake Ingredients.

If you don’t have these three ingredients already in your pantry, get with the program! 

This is one of those recipes that is so simple and delicious, there is really no need to make things difficult. 

Classic Nutella right from the jar (or any other chocolate spread), a lovely whisked egg and a cup of flour. Easy peasy. 

A close up shot of Easy Chocolate Mug Cake.

How to assemble your Mug Cake.

When I make these, it’s rare that it’s just one. 

1 egg, ¼ cup nutella and 1 cup flour is going to make one regular sized coffee mug cake. 

If you’re looking to make a few of them, it’s best to try to have all similar sized mugs. 

Double, triple or even quadruple the batch in a large bowl, and evenly distribute the batter between the mugs. I find this is a bit easier and less of a mess then making individual ones!

A close up shot of Easy Chocolate Mug Cake.

Mug Cake Garnishes.

We’re a big ice cream family. And in this house, there’s nothing better than a hot (right out of the microwave) cake with a fresh scoop of vanilla ice cream. As it melts, the spongy cake just soaks it all up. 

You could go for a dollop of whipped cream, or even a drizzle of fresh or store bought caramel!

Other recipes to check out!

If you liked the sound of this Easy Chocolate Mug Cake, here a few other must make recipes!

Strawberry Cheesecake Ice cream

Sour Jello Grapes 

Chocolate Soufflé


Easy Chocolate Mug Cake

Easy Chocolate Mug Cake

Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 2 minutes
Servings 1


  • 1 Egg
  • 1/4 cup Nutella
  • 2 tbsp Flour



  • Grease up your mug (with a bit of butter or cooking spray).
  • Into your mug (or a bowl) combine 1/4 cup nutella, 1 egg and 2 tbsp of flour. Mix until fully combined.
  • Place in a microwave on high for 90 seconds.
  • Remove from the oven, allow to cool slightly and enjoy!

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